For anyone who has accidentally deleted a file, follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to recover the file on Ubuntu. Learn what commands to type to run a search that will allow you to undelet ...
YOUTUBE At first, click start, Right click the "computer" option and choose "manage" which opens the "computer management" window. On the left explorer pane, click the storage option and then choose d ...
In this video tutorial, Mike shows how to find a missing file in Windows XP and Vista with three different options. In the first option, open Windows Explorer or My Computer. Then open the recycle bin ...
In this quick video, you are shown (and told) in a very simple way how to change your background or screen saver on your Mac computer that runs OS X. This is very simple to do, just click the apple, g ...
This video teaches "How to Download and Install JAVA plug in for your web browser".Open your web browser.Type in "" in the address bar and click on GO.Type in "JAVA plug in download" in the ...
Is your Mac running slow? If yes, then the instructor in this video shows just how to diagnose and fix it. It is not an uncommon problem that a Mac begins to get slow with time. Though there are a mil ...
Mike Agerbo, the host from GetConnected features a quick and helpful video on how to lock drive letters on a PC. On your PC, right click the my computer icon to bring up the management window. Click o ...
Ever wanted to change your desktop background and can't figure out how to do this in Windows 7? This tutorial will show you how to change this background. If you have an image saved on your computer a ...
Gigafide will show you how to slipstream Windows installations. You need to go to Vlite and download the program for Windows Vista. Install and run it. Select install at the main window. Use 7-zip to ...
The metalx1000 shows how to install Linux the on a phone. He talks about the Openmoko operating system. The first thing he shows is where to download it from and which one to download. The next thing ...